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Kar-Narayan Lab



Sohini Kar-Narayan is Professor of Device Materials in the Department of Materials Science at the University of Cambridge, where she leads an interdisciplinary research group working on functional nanomaterials and devices for energy, sensing and biomedical applications.


Sohini received her PhD in Physics from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, in 2009, and was awarded a prestigious Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship in 2012. She was the recipient of a World Economic Forum Young Scientist Award and a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant in 2015, and also an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2023. Prof. Kar Narayan received the Royal Society of Chemistry Peter Day Prize in 2023. She was recognised as one of the Top 50 Women in Engineering of 2021 by the Women's Engineering Society, and was elected Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (IoM3) in 2022, and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2024. She is a Co-Founder and Director of ArtioSense Ltd., a Cambridge University spin-out that seeks to commercialise microfluidic force sensors for precision orthopaedic surgery, for which she was awarded the Armourers & Brasiers’ Venture Prize in 2022, and the Institute of Physics Lee Lucas Award in 2023. She was named “Innovator of the Year” at the 2024 Electronics Weekly Women Leaders in Electronics Awards, and has been awarded the 2025 Royal Microscopical Society AFM and SPM Award.


Sohini is the Editor-in-Chief of APL Electronic Devices. She is a Professorial Fellow of Clare Hall College, Cambridge.


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